Winter 2018

Here are some of our newest art acquisitions. They are diverse and of both historical and aesthetic value. Please take a look…
Some of you may remember Helen Clark Oldfield’s 1926 Triangulated Still Life and Otis Oldfield’s 1930 Telegraph Hill Kids from our Holiday Gift List. These artworks have been drastically reduced in price and represent significant value, in addition to their obvious artistic merit.
Victor Arnautoff followed his conscience in creating paintings of great social and political value. Such is the case with Study for Cable Men, depicting workers engaged in laying cable under a public street in late 1940s San Francisco. Note that the Caucasian and African-American laborers are working side by side.
Then there is Jerre H. Murry’s Portrait of a Woman. Murry was a highly
regarded WPA artist who created a diverse body of work. Portrait of a
Woman is a revealing look at a contemplative woman painted in stark,
vibrant colors.
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Finally, we have found a rare watercolor and ink drawing by Henry Sugimoto, a Japanese-born artist who worked in California until interned during World War II and who then settled in New York. During his career this well-exhibited artist studied from 1929 to 1931 at the Académie Colarossi in Paris, which is where he created the serene Pont Chartres, France watercolor and ink artwork.
As you can see, we strive to find artworks of great historical value and beauty, and we hope we have done so this time.
Artwork Featured in This Exhibition